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corporate philosophy中文是什么意思

用"corporate philosophy"造句"corporate philosophy"怎么读"corporate philosophy" in a sentence


  • 公司价值体系, 公司哲学
  • 合作宗旨


  • These efforts stem from our commitment to our people - service - profit corporate philosophy
  • ? e been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours
  • I ? e been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours
  • We have great experience in the property market in china and conduct all our business with integrity as our fundamental corporate philosophy
  • Mcamos technology not only insists on the consistent guiding principle of " customer first " and provides the best products and services , but also upholds the corporate philosophy
  • Our corporate philosophy is : gain market share by quality and good faith and credit , client s satisfaction as our target , science and technology as our back force to keep the enterprise full of vitality
    我公司坚持: “以质取胜,以信为本,以客户满意为目的,以科学技术为导向” ,使企业充满勃勃生机。
  • Chifeng xiankelai services limited liability company operating a hotel cyclamen : fast food lunch and service companies adhere to : integrity - based , quality win for the corporate philosophy
  • The velan corporate philosophy is to bring the market new and innovative valve designs with special emphasis on quality , safety , ease of operation , simple in - line maintenance and most of all , long service life
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"corporate philosophy"造句  


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